Türkiye'nin İlk ve Tek

Gümrük ve Dış Ticaret Danışmanlık Platformu

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Aradığın tüm bilgiler tek bir raporla dakikalar içinde e−postanda

İthalat veya ihracatta siparişten teslimata kadar ihtiyacın olan bütün bilgiler; hazırlaman gereken belgeler, kaçınman gereken riskler, ürün GTİP (HS Kod) numarası, ödeyeceğin vergiler, yapacağın masraflar ve çok daha fazlası Uzmanlarımızın sana özel tavsiyeleriyle raporunda.

İthalat veya İhracatta siparişten teslimata kadar ihtiyacın olan bütün bilgiler; hazırlaman gereken belgeler, kaçınman gereken riskler, ödeyeceğin vergiler, yapacağın masraflar ve çok daha fazlası Uzmanlarımızın sana özel tavsiyeleriyle dakikalar içinde e−postanda.


İşini Tanımla

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Gümrük ve Dış Ticaret Danışmanlık Platformu

İşini Tanımla

İthalat ya da İhracat? Hangi Ülkeye Ne Göndereceksin, Ne Getireceksin?

İstediğin Bilgileri Seç

GTİP (HS Kod) Numarası, Hazırlaman Gereken Belgeler, Vergi ve Masrafların, Tüm Bilgiler

Ödemeni Yap

Uzmanlarımız Raporunu Hazırlarken, Güvenli Ödeme Sayfasından Ödemeni Yap

Raporun E-Postanda

Raporunu Al İşini Bilgiyle Yönet. Sadece 99 TL'den Başlayan Fiyatlarla

Aradığın tüm bilgiler tek bir raporla dakikalar içinde e−postanda

Hemen Başlayın
Eriş Yüksel

"İhracat yapmak için incelemediğim site, danışmadığım kişi kalmadı. Her biri işin ayrı bir tarafını tanımladığı için edindiğim bilgileri derleyip yorumlamak ayrıca uzmanlık istiyordu. Sonunda gümrükle.com’u keşfettim; bilmem ve yapmam gereken her şey madde madde tek bir raporla elime ulaştı. Teşekkürler."

Yekta Yıldırımcılar

"3 yıldır ithalatçıyız, sadece bilgilerimizi güncellemek amacıyla gümrükle.com’dan rapor istedik. Yıllardır ithalatını yaptığımız bir ürünün GTİP numarasını yanlış uyguladığımızı ve daha yüksek vergi ödediğimiz için de hiç kimsenin ses çıkarmadığını fark ettik. Aldıkları ücretin on katı helal olsun, fazla maliyetten kara geçtik."

Canan Şensoy

"İthal edeceğimiz ürünün vergilerini internetteki gümrük vergisi hesaplama sitelerinden hesaplatıp çıkan rakamı görünce vazgeçtik. Ama meğerse bu siteler otomatik olarak her şeye %30 uydurma vergi hesaplıyormuş. Sitenizden rapor aldık ve ürünümüzün gerçek gümrük vergisinin sıfır olduğunu öğrendik. Hem oran bilgisi hem de ayrıntılı hesap dökümü vermeniz çok güvenilir."

Sezgin Yılmaz

"Müşteriyle anlaştık ve ilk kez ihracat yapmak için önce nakliyeci bulduk. Nakliyeyi biz geri kalanı gümrükçünüz halleder dediler. İstedikleri üç parça belgeyi hazırlayıp malı yükledik, kamyon sınırda 1 hafta bekledi. Oysa hazırlamamız gereken çok önemli bir evrak daha varmış. Siz biliyorsunuz diye düşündük dediler. Keşke gümrükle.com’dan bu raporu en başta alsaydık."


"Yurtdışı bir siteden kapıma teslim edileceğini sanarak oyun konsolu sipariş ediyorken bir arkadaşımın tavsiyesiyle gümrükle.com’a danıştım. Meğer yurtdışı fiyata aldanıp her ürünü sipariş etmemek gerekiyormuş, gerekli işlemleri ve vergileri öğrenince vazgeçtim. Zaten her ürün de kapıya teslim edilemiyormuş. Bir de iade için dünyanın eziyetine ve maliyetine katlanacaktım."


Manage Your Foreign Trade With Knowledge








Our large staff of Customs Consultants, International Trade Specialists, International Shippers and Insurance Specialists with high level of experience in their professions meticulously prepares all the information you will need about the foreign trade process you design and creates your personal report. All foreign trade information you want to know or need to know is presented to you by gumrukle.com, combining years of experience and the most up-to-date legislation.

Import and export counselling

Are You Just Starting Export or Import Transactions With Turkey ?

All the export and import information about Turkey you need to know is now just as close as filling out a form.

  • Conditions you need to carry for export or import operations and preliminary preparations you need to make
  • Legal requirements for the product you want to export to or import from Turkey, Turkish exact full HS Nr.
  • To export or import, general commercial information such as payment methods in foreign trade, delivery methods in foreign trade, international shipping type selection, origin and national requirements you need to apply;

it is answered in detail by gumrukle.com with the report prepared specifically for you on the basis of the process you have defined.

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Start filling out your form immediately by clicking here!

Are You Experienced in Foreign Trade?

Remember! The most uncontrolled job is what you think works best.

The answers to all the export and import questions you want to know about Turkey in private are just as close as filling out a form.

  • Would you like to confirm your HS Number, as you may be paying extra tax with the wrong number?
  • Would you like to update information on legal requirements for the product you export or import, the permissions you must obtain, the customs duties you must pay, national requirements and other legal obligations?
  • Would you like to confirm that your customs procedures are being carried out correctly?

Answers to all these questions and more are in your personal report prepared specifically for you by gumrukle.com on a transactional basis.

If you wish, with the option to request alternative offers for International Transportation and / or Brokerage Services...

Start filling out your form immediately by clicking here!

Import and Export Expertise

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Brokerage Services

International Transportation


As in any country, sending an item abroad from Turkey, i.e. exports, is an important business that requires good knowledge and full implementation of both commercial and legal formalities. If you don't have a specific experience; You need to prepare yourself very well in this wide range of general commercial information such as the conditions you need to make, the preliminary preparations you need to make or the legal requirements for the product you will export, the HS number, the permissions you need to obtain, or the payment methods you need to apply, the choice of shipping. How to Export to Turkey, How to Import from Turkey, Risks in Foreign Trade in Turkey, Delivery Terms in Foreign Trade, Payment Methods in Foreign Trade, What is the HS Number of My Product, What is HS Nr., Customs Procedures in Turkey, Customs Consultant in Turkey, Customs Brooker in Turkey, Customs Duty Rates in Turkey, Tax Rates in Tukey, Documents to be prepared for export from Turkey, Documents to be prepared for import to Turkey, Where Can I Learn Turkish HS Number, Customs Duty Calculation in Turkey, How to Calculate Customs Duty in Turkey, What are My Foreign Trade Costs in Turkey ? If you have a certain export experience; from time to time, you may want to address your concerns about whether you are doing the right thing in customs clearance. Remember, the most uncontrolled job is the one you think is going best! How to Export to Turkey, How to Import from Turkey, Risks in Foreign Trade in Turkey, Delivery Terms in Foreign Trade, Payment Methods in Foreign Trade, What is the HS Number of My Product, What is HS Nr., Customs Procedures in Turkey, Customs Consultant in Turkey, Customs Brooker in Turkey, Customs Duty Rates in Turkey, Tax Rates in Tukey, Documents to be prepared for export from Turkey, Documents to be prepared for import to Turkey, Where Can I Learn Turkish HS Number, Customs Duty Calculation in Turkey, How to Calculate Customs Duty in Turkey, What are My Foreign Trade Costs in Turkey ? With its large staff of Customs Consultants, International Trade Specialists and International Shippers with high level of experience within gumrukle.com, it carefully prepares all the information you will need about your export process and meticulously creates your personalized report. Fill out and submit your questionnaire and our meticulous team will deliver your report consisting of specific point-by-point answers as soon as possible. How to Export to Turkey, How to Import from Turkey, Risks in Foreign Trade in Turkey, Delivery Terms in Foreign Trade, Payment Methods in Foreign Trade, What is the HS Number of My Product, What is HS Nr., Customs Procedures in Turkey, Customs Consultant in Turkey, Customs Brooker in Turkey, Customs Duty Rates in Turkey, Tax Rates in Tukey, Documents to be prepared for export from Turkey, Documents to be prepared for import to Turkey, Where Can I Learn Turkish HS Number, Customs Duty Calculation in Turkey, How to Calculate Customs Duty in Turkey, What are My Foreign Trade Costs in Turkey ? gumrukle.com respects the confidentiality of your business information and does not request your company name on the questionnquid.


As with any country, bringing an item to Turkey from abroad, i.e. imports, is an important business that requires good knowledge and full implementation of both commercial and legal formalities. How to Export to Turkey, How to Import from Turkey, Risks in Foreign Trade in Turkey, Delivery Terms in Foreign Trade, Payment Methods in Foreign Trade, What is the HS Number of My Product, What is HS Nr., Customs Procedures in Turkey, Customs Consultant in Turkey, Customs Brooker in Turkey, Customs Duty Rates in Turkey, Tax Rates in Tukey, Documents to be prepared for export from Turkey, Documents to be prepared for import to Turkey, Where Can I Learn Turkish HS Number, Customs Duty Calculation in Turkey, How to Calculate Customs Duty in Turkey, What are My Foreign Trade Costs in Turkey ? If you don't have a specific experience; You need to prepare yourself very well in this wide range of general commercial information such as the conditions you need to make, the preliminary preparations you need to make or the legal requirements for the product you will import, the HS number, the permissions you need to obtain, the tax rates or the payment methods you need to apply, the choice of transportation. If you have a certain import experience; from time to time, you may want to address your concerns about whether you are doing the right thing in your customs procedures. Remember, the most uncontrolled job is the one you think is going best! How to Export to Turkey, How to Import from Turkey, Risks in Foreign Trade in Turkey, Delivery Terms in Foreign Trade, Payment Methods in Foreign Trade, What is the HS Number of My Product, What is HS Nr., Customs Procedures in Turkey, Customs Consultant in Turkey, Customs Brooker in Turkey, Customs Duty Rates in Turkey, Tax Rates in Tukey, Documents to be prepared for export from Turkey, Documents to be prepared for import to Turkey, Where Can I Learn Turkish HS Number, Customs Duty Calculation in Turkey, How to Calculate Customs Duty in Turkey, What are My Foreign Trade Costs in Turkey ? With its extensive staff of Customs Consultants, International Trade Specialists and International Shippers with high level of experience within gumrukle.com, it carefully prepares all the information you will need about your import process and meticulously creates your personalized report. Fill out and submit your questionnaire and our meticulous team will deliver your report consisting of specific point-by-point answers as soon as possible. How to Export to Turkey, How to Import from Turkey, Risks in Foreign Trade in Turkey, Delivery Terms in Foreign Trade, Payment Methods in Foreign Trade, What is the HS Number of My Product, What is HS Nr., Customs Procedures in Turkey, Customs Consultant in Turkey, Customs Brooker in Turkey, Customs Duty Rates in Turkey, Tax Rates in Tukey, Documents to be prepared for export from Turkey, Documents to be prepared for import to Turkey, Where Can I Learn Turkish HS Number, Customs Duty Calculation in Turkey, How to Calculate Customs Duty in Turkey, What are My Foreign Trade Costs in Turkey ?gumrukle.com respects the confidentiality of your business information and does not request your company name on the questionnquid.